Developed exclusively by our trainers
Trainer-based training and multimedia for all types of courses
ILLAFTrain deals exclusively with a large number of specialized trainers, as well as a team of developers of training materials:
Training materials are developed for each training course with the aim of delivering the best possible results. This way, our materials become a means of communication just like our trainers. Each booklet has been created based on the principles of adult education and accelerated learning, and designed as an easy-to-use tool that guides users through each procedure. After each course, the booklet can be used as a reference with a comprehensive and simplified index.
The team responsible for the development of training materials at ILLAF consists of experienced professionals who employ their expertise in order to produce the best possible training manuals.
We encourage our customers to customize the content of their courses only when it benefits the training process. Customized courses have become more common among our customers in recent years. As a result, we now have a team of professionals who are entirely dedicated to the preparation of courses and the design of training materials that only meet specific needs of our customers.
We provide a comprehensive and simplified syllabus for any course. This allows trainees to know the requirements and supplies they should have before starting the course, or to modify the contents of a course by identifying the needs of employees in the case of a special course. Initial Assessment: This assessment method targets persons who prefer traditional forms of evaluation, whereby trainees can assess their skills through the stated goals of our courses. This initial assessment may serve as a personal indicator to choose the appropriate level of a course and identify the necessary training needs.
The trainer accreditation program at ILLAFTrain is a high-quality control program, and the main center remains in charge of the selection of trainers at ILLAFTrain. Our trainers possess a combination of conversational and communication skills, technical know-how, as well as practical experience. This combination will enable them to fill all the gaps between the trainee and the skill s/he seeks to acquire. They also possess the experience and knowledge to analyze current needs in technology and human development.
We provide our trainers with continuous training and development through the Certified Trainer Program, regional seminars, and direct training at leading global companies. This stimulates their curiosity and creative ability, and prompts them to improve their training skills and professional knowledge.
At the end of each course, trainees get the chance to assess their trainer’s skills, such as performance, presentation style, and the ability to achieve the course objectives. They also answer open-ended questions that provide a qualitative appraisal and numeric grade for each trainer based on a 1-to-5 rating scale (1 = poor; 5 = excellent). Our trainers always receive a higher than 4.5 mark. Trainers who fail to achieve acceptable results do not continue their work as trainers at ILLAFTrain. Assessment results are monitored and followed up on by sister/partner training companies, as well as the main center.
Our course developers are experts at creating programs tailored to your needs. They are able to produce and design special courses for you, and supplementary training materials on a par with the comprehensive and professional training materials offered at ILLAFTrain. In addition, we can collaborate with you to provide you with other types of training.
We would like to know your thoughts and perspective about your experience with us in order to provide the best options to meet your training needs. We provide training based on multimedia and professional trainers for all types of courses.
Customization: Training modification takes place when your company decides to incorporate the training courses given by ILLAFTrain with courses or parts of other programs to meet your training needs through specific programs, intensive compact training, or the use of your own company databases or special training models.
Course development: The role of the course development department is to ensure that your training objectives have been clearly identified, through the right choice of training tools and methods. This department gathers the necessary information, such as required course duration and estimated cost. It is certainly an important process that provides constructive development to your company.